Friday, April 2, 2010

36 weeks 4 days

So the midwife appt. was pretty much uneventful. I have gained One pound and am measuring perfect, Lizzy is around 7 pounds now and doing fantastic. She is still in the head down position and is engaged in my whenever she feels like it she is ready to be born!
I found out that I carry the Group B Strep disease and will need to be treated for it when I go into labor. It is not dangerous to me but can be very dangerous to Lizzy, when she is born she could contract it from me if I'm not medicated for what will happen is that instead of me being able to labor mostly at home, I will have to immediatly go into hospital either when contractions get closer together or as soon as my water breaks. They will immediatly give me antibiotics and that will prevent Lizzy from getting anything, Thank God for modern medicine!!

So I was having really good contractions and they were getting closer together over a few days and then they just stopped...hopefully they will start again soon...:)

Lots of stuff going on in the next maybe it will just fly by without me worrying every moment if im in labor...Brittnay, Brianna and Charlie are staying with us for the next week, Easter is this weekend, then the kids have lots of activities during the week, Dory is turning a big 2 next saturday and we are having a nice party for her....nice and busy...maybe somewhere in there Lizzy will grace us with her presence!!

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