Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3 months

On Thursday my daughter will be 3 months old!!!!I can't believe it!

So for a quick update...she weighted in at 12 pounds 24 inches long today...she can laugh, giggle, roll from her back to her front, smiles that will break your heart and pouts that will break our wallets! She is formula feeding and breastfeeding and we now use cloth diapers...love them by the way. Jimmy and I are doing good and we are getting plenty of sleep because Elizabeth sleeps from 930-6 every night..for the past 4 nights she has even slept in her crib in her own room...

Things happen so fast that I wont try to remember everything that we have done...A sample would be Lactation Connection every tuesday, car races most Thursdays, visiting with Mammie + Bampa, Mimi + Papa, and Papa + Grammy Carrey, Megan and Shawn and lots of other friends and family!! A few weddings, a couple of friends new babies, lots of books to read and walks in our backyard!

She grows so fast that I will do my best to post a blog and a picture at least once a week!!