Tuesday, March 23, 2010

35 weeks

so we are at the 35 weeks mark and just got back from our midwife...she says that the baby is fully engaged (meaning baby's head is in the pelvis and ready for birth) and that it should only be a couple weeks or so from now....woohoo!!!

Lizzy is measuring in as an average size baby...estimated that she will be born at 6-7 pounds..of course that's an estimate taken from feeling the baby and measuring my uterus..could be a little off ....or a lot...:)

Her heart beat sounds fantastic and I am checking out perfect as well...my blood pressure is normal..as are all my tests...looks like everything is a go...Big improvement from where we where 6 months ago...not a good time:(

Sleeping is a huge issue but nothing I can do about that...i wander my house at night cleaning moving things around...driving Jimmy nuts..haha...then I tend to sleep better in the morning hours...so maybe my body is just trying to get me ready for Lizzy's schedule...lol...

So big thing happened...I had my baby shower on Sunday..it was a complete surprise!!!
Was so awesome...got to see friends and family that I haven't seen in a while and got lots of things that I still needed for Lizzy...we now have just about everything...well we have everything...but there is of course still things that we want...just a few though..the nursery is complete and the bassinet is ready for her to sleep in for the first few weeks...my mum also got me a nursing stool...so fantastic...

Jimmy's Mimi (his grandma) made Elizabeth a pooh bear blanket and made us a beautiful diaper bag and a pooh bear wall hanging!! Kathy, Shawn's Mum, made us a pooh bear quilt with pieces of my wedding dress in it...so amazing!!

We of course got some wicked cute clothes, including her first church dress from her auntie Megan. My aunt Annette made Lizzy her own sweater and booties and her first towel...homemade towel...so wonderful...we got so many other wonderful things as well that I just can't remember them all at the moment, but I am truly thankful to everyone who came to the party and who brought things for little Lizzy...we really appreciate it!!

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