Tuesday, March 16, 2010

34 weeks

So holy crap...only 6 weeks to go...JImmy and I are getting so excited!!! only have a week before we leave for the Cape and I am very very excited to get some scrap booking done! I only hope that I will not go into labor until we return....lol...The nursery is pretty much done...i'm sure that i will always find something to fiddle with but it has all the important things in it...

I have realized that my daughter has more clothes then she will ever possibly wear...lol...we received hammy downs from my sister and that filled up her closet...lol..We may be able to never do laundry for her...can't wait for the baby shower in a few weeks...it will be so exciting to see what the creative people in my family came up with...they never cease to surprise me with their creativeness and thoughtfulness!!!

Lizzy is moving around a lot now and getting very big...I watch her roll around in there and wonder where she finds room to move...its amazing...everything she does amazes me...people are probably getting tired of hearing it all the time...but I can't help it...I feel the need to tell everyone everything that she does..lol...watch out friends and family...after she is born we will be talking non-stop about everything she does..lol

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Well that's what the average baby is at...my midwife says she would guess Lizzy at around 5 pounds and 18 inches...it is guessed that if we go to the full 40 weeks that she will be a healthy 8-8 1/2 pound baby...of course that's only educated guesses...she could end up being anything from 6-9 pounds...we shall see...

Jimmy and I had childbirth classes on Saturday and it was FANTASTIC...loved the instructor...loved the class and loved the hospital food...weird right..but really it was good....we learned all kinds of information and Jimmy learned how to do therapeutic massage and how to help me during labor...I think he learned a lot and isn't as nervous anymore...They went over medication and I am even more firm that I don't want any unless medically necessary...I was very big on the tub birth but now that I have learned so many other labor and birthing positions I think it will be nice to have my options open...

The other options is shower...birthing ball in shower or out...sitting on floor...tub..any position...rocking chair...bed...walking halls...couch...so many different ways to make myself comfortable...I am so thrilled that i have so many options...Medically I do not have to be hooked up to anything..my midwife will occasionally check me and the baby but I don't need to be on monitors the whole time...and no IV unless there is a problem...Jimmy and I have been talking about this practically since we found out we were pregnant and we both are in the belief that my body knows what to do and I just need to let it do its job...I know there will be pain..more then I can possibly understand at this moment..but im prepared to deal with it with Jimmy as my support...and I think he will do an awesome job at it too. I have been practicing yoga for most of my pregnancy and think that with the knowledge of different positions and breathing, and the things we learned in birthing class...that I will be able to get through it....hopefully...lol...We are of course prepared to take any medical intervention if it looks like Lizzy is in any trouble....

We have decided to breast feed exclusively for at least the first 6 months...I believe that it is a benefit that shouldn't be wasted if I can do it..well I think that might be it for now...only 6 ish weeks to go...woohoo

Oh ya and our bags are packed for the hospital...woohoo...we are all ready to go...now just gotta make it through the cape and then go into labor...can't wait to meet Elizabeth...

1 comment:

  1. so i love this blog! your so funny. I was just wondering what are you going to do when she gets here? i mean duh but really ... are you going to do another blog? i like this a lot. might even start my own lol. ok i love you see you soon!
