So I am going to try to remember all the details of my pregnancy prior to starting this blog...My memory is not very good but hopefully I can remember some before I forget it all....
So I suppose it all starts on September 11th when I was fighting with my sister and refused to talk to her...Shawn (her fiance) called back and frankly asked if I could be pregnant...
Jimmy and I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test...we went home and to our complete shock....IT was POSITIVE!!!!
I called my mother to tell her and I believe she said something to the effect of "I knew IT"
My sister said the same thing with more noise and Shawn said congrats....
As we took the test on a Friday night...we decided Saturday morning to get a couple more tests... AND THEN SATURDAY NIGHT AND SUNDAY AS WELL!!!!
When all is said and done I had taken 6 different tests and they all confirmed what I refused to believe....We were Pregnant!!!
Sometime that week I got into the doctor where they confirmed yet again that we were indeed pregnant...but because I couldn't pinpoint accurately how far along I was...we were scheduled for the week after for an ultrasound...
We were very excited for the ultrasound although I feared that once we got there they would say there was a mistake and tell us we weren't in fact pregnant....That of course was not the fact..
We were said to be 8 weeks 2 days on that date...The most exciting thing was to hear the heartbeat...although it was hard to believe..the proof was there
We talked about what we wanted for a doctor and after a hospital tour at Mercy, we decided to go with a midwife. It was very hard to get a first apt. but were finally able to get in...about a month later...We meet with the midwife and were able to talk to them about our concerns...It was very nice.
I made it through most of my first trimester with no sickness...just a bit tired...
Closer to my second trimester I started getting violently ill I lost a great deal of weight...I continued getting very sick all the time well into my second trimester. When I reached about 30 pounds lost and my blood pressure started going up and staying up...My midwife advised me to discontinue work and stay home...
A couple of weeks before Thanksgiving I stopped time went by I got better and my blood pressure went down little by little...I gained my first pound at my November midwife appointment...never been so excited to have gained weight...
We had a Ultrasound scheduled for December 2nd...we were so excited because we were going to find out what we were having...well we thought we were going to find out!!! We went to the ultrasound with My mum, Megan, Shawn, and Bri!! The baby did everything possible to make sure we did not see anything!!!... When the tech got the baby into the right position...She crossed her legs...anyway after an hour the tech gave up and scheduled us for another hour later in the month!!!
As we got ready for Christmas we were to excited about the Upcoming ultrasound that we kinda put the holidays on the back burner. We had our yearly Christmas party and that was A lot of fun but the ultrasound was burning a hole in our thoughts...
On December 23rd Myself, Jimmy and my Mom went back to the Hospital and hoped for the best....We had to push, Prod and wiggle to get her to show herself...but she did...and
It was a wonderful Christmas present!!!
So that pretty much brings up to the present....I'm bigger now and feel her moving all the time....
Important dates:
September 11th: Found out we were Pregnant
Sometime in November: Realized it wasn't gas....I was feeling my baby move!!!
December 23rd: Found out it was a Girl
January 24th: Jimmy felt her move for the first time!!!