So on wensday April 28th my water finally broke!!
I am writing to update my mum keeps bugging me to update here I am while Jimmy changes Lizzy's diaper trying to quickly write before she needs to nurse again!! april 28th 8:10 am my water breaks while I am in bed...I literally woke up in a puddle...I quickly sent a message to Bri who was in scotland to keep her updated...then called Jimmy, my mom and then of course after getting changed, remembered to call the midwife! My mom leaves work and comes to pick me up...Jimmy was waiting at the hospital when we got there...we got checked in and unpacked and then we waited..and waited and waited...
My dad came did Megan, Shawn and Bells...Mom was there of course and Bill stopped in towards the end of the day...Jimmy's mom came in that night as well...While we had all these visitors, we just waited...nothing happened...contractions were 25 minutes apart and not too painful...
At 4 pm my midwife came in and explained the options of trying to get labor going, I opted to wait it out at that point...however by 8 pm we were still waiting and we thought it best to get some pitocin. She gave me just a tiny dose and that was enough...
My contractions went from 25 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart and pain went from 1 to a million...this happened in just 20 minutes....4 HOURS LATER (after my opinion of hell) Lizzy was born!!!
She came out weighing in at 7 lbs 9oz 20 inches long...head full of black hair and pretty much perfect!!
well she needs to eat now so i'll update her first two weeks later :)
She is sooooo beautiful!!!! im glad you updated this! i know it will be harder now but i think you will love that you did this when you look back at it later. Unless you have been keeping a journal.... I think this is great! keep it up! i love it. xoxo